Title: Massachusetts Indigency Calculator Author: Sean Casey Before:

Massachusetts Indigency Calculator

This is a class project. You should not rely on it as a source of legal information. It is likely incomplete.

Answer the following questions to see if you qualify for appointment of counsel or a fee waiver.

After: Q(1): Do you want to determine if you qualify for appointment of counsel or a fee waiver in Massachusetts? A:Yes Q(1.1):GOTO:checkIndigency A:No Q(1.2):GOTO:adios Q(checkIndigency):Great! Let's check to see if you qualify as indigent. We'll see if you qualify under category A:GOTO:checkCatA Q(checkCatA): Do you receive assistance from a qualifying program: Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC); Emergency Aid to Elderly, Disabled, or Children (EAEDC); Massachusetts Veterans Benefits Programs; Medicaid (MassHealth); or Supplementary Security Income? A: Yes Q(3.1):You probably qualify under category A since you receive assistance from a qualifying program. Would you like to get started with the necessary forms you will need to fill out, or do you want to see if you qualify under another category? A:Yes Q(3.1.1):GOTO:formInfo A:No Q(3.1.2):GOTO:checkCatB A: No Q(3.2):GOTO:checkCatB Q(checkCatB):You either do not qualify under category A or you wish to see if you qualify under another category. Let's see if you qualify under category B. GOTO:checkIncome Q(checkIncome):How many people in your family including yourself? X: Q(dependents):How many dependents are in your family? X: Q(income):What is the your annual household income per year after taxes? X: Q(addIncome):Do you have any other additional income? X: Q( this a criminal or civil matter? A[javascript:if (fedpov(getvar('checkIncome'),getvar('income'),125)){ goto('qualCiv') } else { goto('noQualCiv') } ]:Civil A[javascript:if (fedpov(getvar('checkIncome'),getvar('income'),125)){ goto('qualCrim') } else if (fedpov(getvar('checkIncome'),getvar('income'),250)) { goto('noQualCrimBut') } else { goto('noQualCrim') } ]:Criminal Q(qualCiv):You probably qualify for this civil matter as indigent under category B because your household income is less than 125% of the poverty line. See SJC Rule 310 for more information GOTO:catB Q(noQualCiv):You probably do not qualify for this civil matter as indigent under category B because your household income is not less than 125% of the poverty line. See SJC Rule 310 for more information GOTO:checkCatC Q(qualCrim):You probably qualify for this criminal matter as indigent under category B because your household income is less than 125% of the poverty line. See SJC Rule 310 for more information GOTO:catB Q(noQualCrim):You probably do not qualify for this criminal matter as indigent because your household income is not less than 125% of the poverty line. See SJC Rule 310 for more information GOTO:checkCatC Q(noQualCrimBut):You probably qualify as indigent for this criminal matter under category B, but because your household income is between 125% and 250% of the poverty line, you, or your family, will likely be required to contribute to the costs for your legal counsel. See SJC Rule 310 for more information GOTO:checkCatC Q(probQual):You probably qualify as indigent since you are receiving public assistance. See SJC Rule 310 for more information GOTO:catB Q(catB):You appear to qualify under category B. Would you like to get started with the necessary forms you will need to fill out, or do you want to see if you qualify under category C? A:Yes Q(12.1):GOTO:formInfo A:No Q(12.2):GOTO:checkCatC Q(checkCatC): You either do not qualify under section B, or you wish to proceed under category C. Let's see if you qualify under category C. Are you unable to pay the fees and costs of this proceeding, or are you unable to do so without depriving yourself or your dependents of the necessities of life, including food, shelter and clothing? A:Yes Q(13.1): You appear to qualify under section C. You will need to fill out the SUPPLEMENT TO THE AFFIDAVIT OF INDIGENCY as well as the other forms. GOTO:formInfo A:No Q(13.2):I'm sorry. It seems you do not qualify for waiver of counsel or legal aid. GOTO:checkJuvenile Q(checkJuvenile):Are you a juvenile or claimed as a dependent by someone else? A:Yes Q(14.1):As a juvenile, you are entitled to counsel, but your parents or guardians may need to contribute. See SJC Rule 310 for more information GOTO:adios A:No Q(14.2):I'm sorry you do not appear to qualify. GOTO:adios Q(formInfo):Let's get some of your information. GOTO:court Q(court):Which court will hear your case (enter unknown if not known)? X: Q(16.1):GOTO:case Q(case):What is the case name or number for this matter (enter unknown if not known)? X: Q(17.1):GOTO:name Q(name):What is your full name? X: Q(18.1):GOTO:streetAddr Q(streetAddr):What is your street address? X: Q(19.1):GOTO:city Q(city):What is your city? X: Q(20.1):GOTO:zip Q(zip):What is your zip code? X: Q(form): Great name! Please download this form and show it to an attorney or the court. A:[javascript:submit2('http://colarusso.pythonanywhere.com/','GET','','','','json_doc','_blank')] Please download this form. Q(adios):Please come back again.