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This is a class project. You should not rely on it as a source of legal information. It is likely incomplete.

North Carolina Indigency Calculator

Answer the following questions to see if you qualify for appointment of counsel or a fee waiver.

After: Q(resident): Are you inquiring about a case in North Carolina? A: Yes Q(1.1):GOTO:develop A: No Q(1.2): Unfortunately I am unable to assist you on issue not associated with claims in North Carolina. Q(develop): Have you completed and submited the affidavit of indigency? A: Yes Q(2.1): Alright. Please answer the following to determine if you will obtain representation. GOTO:age A: No Q(2.2): Please answer the following questions so that we are pre-fill the form and let you know if you will obtain representation. GOTO:name Q(name): What is the defendant's name? X: Q(interest): Is the defendant you or a dependent? A: Self Q(3.1.1):GOTO:age A: Dependent Q(3.1.2):GOTO:age Q(age): How old is the defendant? X[javascript: if (getvar('age') >= 18) { goto('dependent') } else if (getvar('age') < 18) { goto('indig') } else { goto('number') } ]: Q(dependent):Are you dependent on your parent/guardian? A[javascript: if (getvar('age') >= 18) { goto('indig') } else { goto('indig') } ]:Yes A: No Q(publicassistance): Do you receive public assistance (i.e. food & nutrition benefits, work first family assistance, SSI, or being represented by a legal organization thats primary purpose is to furnish legal services to indigent individuals)? A: Yes Q( How much do you receive in assistance on a monthly basis? X:number Q( A: No Q( may still qualify for representation through IDS. GOTO:household Q(household): How many people (including yourself) reside in your home? X:number Q(income): How much income does your household bring in monthly in after tax dollars? X:number Q(expenses): What are your monthly expenses? X:number Q( GOTO:action Q(action):Is this a civil or criminal action? A[javascript:if (fedpov(getvar('household'),getvar('income'),125/12)){ goto('indig') } else { goto('notindig') } ]: Civil A[javascript:if (fedpov(getvar('household'),getvar('income'),125/12)){ goto('indig') } else if (fedpov(getvar('house')/12,getvar('income'),250/12)) { goto('mayindig') } else { goto('notindig') } ]: Criminal Q(mayindig): You may qualify to be indigent and will receive representation through the IDS, but will be expected to pay whatever you can if found guilty. GOTO:hopefully Q(hopefully): Congraulations! Would you like to see your pre-filled affidavit of indigency? A:[javascript:submit2('','GET','','','json_doc','_blank')] Yes A: No Q(indig): You are probably considered to be indigent and will receive representation through the IDS. GOTO:yay Q(yay): Congraulations! Would you like to see your pre-filled affidavit of indigency? A:[javascript:submit2('','GET','','','','json_doc','_blank')]Yes A: No Q(notindig): I am sorry but you do not meet the standards to obtain free or reduced representation through the IDS. Q(number): That is not an age please provide an age. GOTO:age Q(nothing): There is nothing more I can do for you right now until the form is submitted. A:[javascript:save2('northcarolina.csv',csv())]