Project Three: 911 Dispatch

By Anon Silpavuthi

This is a project to predict the total numbers of 911 dispatch between 2011-2014 and compare these data to the year before to see whether there is a correlation.

Data Cleaning

I cleaned this 911 Dispatch data. I downloaded this data from Analyze Boston, a data hub of the City of Boston. The Dataset includes date, year, month, day of year and the amount of calls in total and separated by the Boston Police Department, Boston Fire Department, and Emergency Medical Services.

You can see the process of the Data cleaning with short descriptions below.

In [80]:
import os
    inputFunc = raw_input
except NameError:
    inputFunc = input

import pandas as pd
from import USFederalHolidayCalendar
from pandas.tseries.offsets import CustomBusinessDay
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols

from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn import metrics

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from patsy import dmatrices

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import random

# Custom functions

def evaluate(pred, labels_test):
    acc = accuracy_score(pred, labels_test)
    print ("Accuracey: %s"%acc)
    tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(labels_test, pred).ravel()

    recall = tp / (tp + fp)
    percision = tp / (tp + fn)
    f1 = (2 / ((1/recall)+(1/percision)))

    print ("")
    print ("True Negatives: %s"%tn)
    print ("False Positives: %s"%fp)
    print ("False Negatives: %s"%fn)
    print ("True Positives: %s"%tp)
    print ("Recall: %s"%recall)
    print ("Precision: %s"%percision)
    print ("F1 Score: %s"%f1)

def plot_bound(Z_val,data,col1,col2,binary):
    # Z-val equals "Yes" value. E.g., "Y" or "1". 
    # data equals df
    # col1 and col2 defines which colums to use from data
    # Plot binary decision boundary. 
    # For this, we will assign a color to each
    # point in the mesh [x_min, m_max]x[y_min, y_max].
    x_min = float(data.iloc[:,[col1]].min())-float(data.iloc[:,[col1]].min())*0.10 
    x_max = float(data.iloc[:,[col1]].max()+float(data.iloc[:,[col1]].min())*0.10)
    y_min = 0.0; 
    y_max = float(training.iloc[:,[col2]].max())+float(training.iloc[:,[col2]].max())*0.10
    h_x = (x_max-x_min)/100  # step size in the mesh
    h_y = (y_max-y_min)/100  # step size in the mesh
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, h_x), np.arange(y_min, y_max, h_y))
    if binary == 1:
        Z = clf.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])   
        Z = np.where(Z=="Y",1,0)
        Z = clf.predict_proba(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])[:, 1]
    # Put the result into a color plot
    Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)
    plt.xlim(xx.min(), xx.max())
    plt.ylim(yy.min(), yy.max())
    plt.pcolormesh(xx, yy, Z)
In [81]:
 raw_data_df = pd.read_csv('911.csv') 
Year Month Total BPD BFD EMS
0 2010 11 2603 1969 259 375
1 2010 11 2414 1852 206 356
2 2010 11 2487 1872 235 380
3 2010 11 2328 1695 241 392
4 2010 11 2478 1915 225 338

I ran the following code to see the total number of rows of data.

In [82]:
print("Size of entire table: %s "%len(raw_data_df))
Size of entire table: 1268 
In [83]:
# This is the step that I take just to make sure all of your columns are stored as numbers.
raw_data_df = raw_data_df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
# errors='coerce' will set things that can't be converted to numbers to NaN
# so you'll want to drop these like so.
raw_data_df = raw_data_df.dropna()
Year Month Total BPD BFD EMS
0 2010 11 2603 1969 259 375
1 2010 11 2414 1852 206 356
2 2010 11 2487 1872 235 380
3 2010 11 2328 1695 241 392
4 2010 11 2478 1915 225 338

I then made a loop to clean the data. The loop combines all the total calls of each month instead of having all the day of year. Because there are some missing data (2010 starts with November and 2014 ends with April), I set up the loop so that it starts on November of 2011 and ends on April of 2014.

In [84]:
df = pd.DataFrame()
n = 0
for j in range(2010,2015):
    for i in range(1,13):
         if (j == 2011 and i >= 11) or (j > 2011 and j < 2014) or (j == 2014 and i <= 4):
            data = pd.DataFrame([[
                                  i  ,
                                  raw_data_df[(raw_data_df["Year"]==j) & (raw_data_df["Month"]==i)]["Total"].sum(),
                                  raw_data_df[(raw_data_df["Year"]==j-1) & (raw_data_df["Month"]==i)]["Total"].sum(),
            df = df.append(data)
            n = n + 1
In [85]:
Month Total Total_last_year
0 11 75215 69616
1 12 75360 68439
2 1 79309 72976
3 2 75746 68199
4 3 86160 75770
5 4 86512 73758
6 5 91985 81477
7 6 90120 78878
8 7 92775 84440
9 8 90869 82678
10 9 90653 81581
11 10 91572 82139
12 11 82013 75215
13 12 83461 75360
14 1 84606 79309
15 2 74466 75746
16 3 85039 86160
17 4 84592 86512
18 5 93384 91985
19 6 93130 90120
20 7 97196 92775
21 8 94484 90869
22 9 91335 90653
23 10 89426 91572
24 11 80567 82013
25 12 82798 83461
26 1 84488 84606
27 2 77653 74466
28 3 87485 85039
29 4 61982 84592

I then used the following codes in order to create a new table with just 2 variables:

  1. Total
  2. Total of last year

The purpose of this is to be able to see the correlation between the current total of dispatch that we are looking at and the total of dispatch last year as you can see in the graph below.

In [86]:
dispatch_lin_df = df[[
Total Total_last_year
0 75215 69616
1 75360 68439
2 79309 72976
3 75746 68199
4 86160 75770
5 86512 73758
6 91985 81477
7 90120 78878
8 92775 84440
9 90869 82678
10 90653 81581
11 91572 82139
12 82013 75215
13 83461 75360
14 84606 79309
15 74466 75746
16 85039 86160
17 84592 86512
18 93384 91985
19 93130 90120
20 97196 92775
21 94484 90869
22 91335 90653
23 89426 91572
24 80567 82013
25 82798 83461
26 84488 84606
27 77653 74466
28 87485 85039
29 61982 84592


As you can see in the result below. R squared is around 29% and Accuracy is around 62%.

This result shows that the model explains low of the variability of the response data around its mean and therefore, show that this is not an accurate representation of the correlation between the two feature variables. However, a low R-squared does not necessarily indicate that the model is bad because R-squared cannot determine whether the coefficient estimates and predictions are biased. The 911 dispatch data involves human behaviors which are simply hard to predict.

Consequently, although we can see some correlation from this dataset, I do have to agree with the result that it is not an accurate representation of the correlation between the two feature variables. A different set of data and a different data sample size will likely demonstrate a better correlation and prediction.

Taining and Validation: dispatch_lin_df

In [87]:
data = dispatch_lin_df
holdout = data.sample(frac=0.3)
training = data.loc[~data.index.isin(holdout.index)]
In [88]:
Total Total_last_year
0 75215 69616
1 75360 68439
2 79309 72976
3 75746 68199
4 86160 75770
8 92775 84440
9 90869 82678
11 91572 82139
12 82013 75215
13 83461 75360
15 74466 75746
17 84592 86512
18 93384 91985
19 93130 90120
20 97196 92775
23 89426 91572
24 80567 82013
25 82798 83461
26 84488 84606
28 87485 85039
29 61982 84592
In [89]:
sns.lmplot(x="Total_last_year", y="Total", data=training, x_estimator=np.mean, order=1)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x112936cc0>
In [90]:
model = ols("Total ~ Total_last_year", training).fit()
#model = ols("Total ~ Month + np.power(Month, 2)", training).fit()
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Total R-squared: 0.372
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.339
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 11.26
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2017 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00332
Time: 22:49:47 Log-Likelihood: -214.14
No. Observations: 21 AIC: 432.3
Df Residuals: 19 BIC: 434.4
Df Model: 1
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 2.997e+04 1.61e+04 1.856 0.079 -3818.177 6.38e+04
Total_last_year 0.6650 0.198 3.356 0.003 0.250 1.080
Omnibus: 28.619 Durbin-Watson: 1.003
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 55.875
Skew: -2.310 Prob(JB): 7.36e-13
Kurtosis: 9.521 Cond. No. 8.83e+05
In [79]:
# Rerun with SciKitLearn because it's easy to check accuracy
features_train = training.drop("Total", axis=1).as_matrix(columns=None)
labels_train = training["Total"].as_matrix(columns=None)

features_test = holdout.drop("Total", axis=1).as_matrix(columns=None)
labels_test = holdout["Total"].as_matrix(columns=None)

lm = linear_model.LinearRegression()
clf =, labels_train)
pred = clf.predict(features_test)
accuracy = metrics.r2_score(labels_test, pred)
print("R squared:",lm.score(features_train,labels_train))
R squared: 0.289745547751
Accuracy: 0.621308745336